Room spray | Home fragrance

Room Spray 500ML

Transform your home into a luxurious sanctuary with our exclusive room spray. Indulge in captivating fragrances that evoke a sense of opulence and elevate your interior. Discover our collection of exceptional home fragrances  500ml crafted to perfection.

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99 €
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<p>Enhance your environment with sophisticated room sprays, infusing your surroundings with the perfect scent and creating an ambiance of refinement. Elevate the air quality with our exceptional tools designed to refresh and invigorate with unparalleled elegance.</p><p> <p> Amazing handmade glass by real qualified craftsmen or a 100% recyclable bottle. A piece of art in each interior with fascinating luxury perfumes. All perfumes are created by our designer Ilse Vandeputte, who has an inborn passion for scents. With over 25 years of experience in developing room sprays, she is a true 'nose' who uses only the finest high-quality raw materials for which ONNO Collection is praised worldwide.</p><p> ONNO Collection refrishener are high-quality luxury natural aromatic mist made by qualified craftsmen. These exclusive room sprays are carefully packed into luxury black gift boxes to indulge yourself in or as a gift for your dearest. </p><p> The 100% recyclable bottle can serve as a refill or just as a Home fragrance spray. </p>
Maggiori Informazioni
Cod.Art. ONSPR500FR
Categoria di prodotto Room Spray
Dimensioni 500 ml
Profumo Seleziona il tuo profumo
Informazioni supplementari

Room Spray | Home Fragrance | Air freshener

Discover our natural room spray with Zanzibar perfume. Our Home spray is available in 3 fragrances and 500ml luxury packaging.

How to get the most out of your ONNO Collection Room Spray:

  1. Take the glass bottle out of the luxurious packaging.
  2. Point the spray nozzle towards the desired area in your home.
  3. Press the spray button to release a fine mist of your favorite fragrance.

Note: Be cautious with textiles such as curtains, sofas, and cushions; avoid spraying too closely or directly onto them.

The more you spray, the stronger the scent experience.

For more information, please check our FAQ.

Contiene: 1,3,4,6,7,8a-hexahydro-1,1,5,5-tétraméthyl-2H-2,4a méthanonaphthalèn-8(5H)-one, Acétate de linalyle, 1-(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8-octahydro-2,3,8,8-tétraméthyl-2-naphtyl)éthane-1-one, Citronellol, Linalol, Acétate de p-menthane-8-yle.

UFI: X940-F01V-2008-WXEP

Nocivo Infiammabile


Liquido e vapori facilmente infiammabili. Provoca grave irritazione oculare. Tenere lontano da fonti di calore/scintille/ f iamme libere/superfici riscaldate. Non fumare. Indossare guanti/indumenti protettivi/Proteggere gli occhi/il viso. IN CASO DI CONTATTO CON GLI OCCHI: sciacquare accuratamente per parecchi minuti. Togliere le eventuali lenti a contatto se è agevole farlo. Continuare a sciacquare. Se l’irritazione degli occhi persiste, consultare un medico. Conservare in luogo fresco e ben ventilato.


Persona responsabile / Contatto del produttore

Grote Steenweg 193
9870 Zulte
Telefono: +32 9 388 41 21

‘Ma ne sarei stata davvero capace?’

Designer e fondatrice di ONNO Collection - Ilse Vandeputte

‘Ma ne sarei stata davvero capace?’

La nostra storia

‘Ma ne sarei stata davvero capace?’

È bastato un viaggio nelle pianure esotiche africane. Il sentimento che mi ha travolto una volta lì ha trasformato ONNO Collection in realtà. Ricordo benissimo quella sensazione: un magico senso di appartenenza e di pace unito all’euforia di aver scoperto i ricchi profumi e le trame seducenti di una terra esotica. Uno dei miei sogni era portare questo senso di magica appartenenza a più persone possibili. ONNO Collection rappresenta tutto questo.

‘Ma ne sarei stata davvero capace?’